Category Archives for "OYF Marriage Podcast"

marriage and homeschooling

Does Homeschooling Wreck Marriages?

Does homeschooling actually wreck marriages? Absolutely! But no more than sending your kids to public school…

No matter what situation we find ourselves in, we need to realize the impact on our marriage and compensate accordingly. The fact is homeschooling presents different challenges than public schooling or even having both parents work outside the home. Each scenario has its own challenges!

So, while homeschooling is great, it’s good to be specifically aware of a few things with regards to your marriage.

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speaking well of your spouse

Speaking Well Of Your Spouse Affects Your Health?

Ladies, isn’t it an awesome feeling when you overhear your husband talking to one of his buddies and he says something nice about you?

If you have already listened to the podcast, then you know that Caleb started quoting “nice things” about me from the Songs of Solomon. Lol! Overhearing compliments such as “Guys, my wife’s belly is as a heap of wheat encircled with lilies” may not to be too exciting for us today, but Caleb’s point was to find the language that works for your wife – even now.

The even greater point is this:
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Tyler Ward interview

Interview with Tyler Ward

We had the privilege this week of interviewing Tyler Ward, author of Marriage Rebranded: Modern Misconceptions & the Unnatural Art of Loving Another Person.

Tyler found that about 18 months into his marriage, despite having an awesome wife, things started to go south. Fights and arguments were becoming the norm. Knowing that he wanted better for his marriage, Tyler started to look at his own preconceived ideas of what marriage should look like. He began to scientifically “test” (I loved reading the results!) different ideas of how to improve his marriage and Continue reading

affair proof your marriage

3 Ways To Affair-Proof Your Marriage

Who ever starts their day by thinking, “Hey, I’m going to have an affair today?” Doesn’t happen! But, how many people do you know – or maybe this has been you – that find themselves one day asking, “How did this affair ever happen to our marriage?”

Our prayer in writing this is that it makes someone who is reading, suck air and go “OH BOY – it’s time to make an about-turn because I’m headed for a serious marital train wreck!”

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family vacation tips

Three Tips For Rocking Your Vacation

After going on a vacation, have you ever noticed the fact that oftentimes your family and friends are more excited about your vacation than you are? Sure, a lot of us enjoy our vacations, but they can be kind of stressful too! Why is it that we expect uninterrupted bliss, but the reality is most of us have our little spats, our frustrations and disappointments on vacation?

Holidays are necessary and biblical. Even Jesus Christ would encourage his disciples to “come apart and rest awhile”. So yes, we need holidays!

Why then are there so many challenges and dissatisfactions around our vacations?

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comparison in marriage

Why Comparison Makes You A Miserable Spouse

Why do we spend so much time comparing ourselves to others? Is it a fear of rejection? Of not being good enough?

Making comparisons is never healthy, but in the context of marriage, it can suck the soul right out of it. It is draining and destructive. Why? It’s because it leaves us looking for what we don’t have instead of focusing on what we do have.

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listening to understand

Listen to Understand

How awesome does it feel to be completely understood by someone – to feel that they ‘get’ you when you are explaining a problem!? Do you want to be a spouse that is able to give this blessing?

Listening to understand is one of those skills in marriage that doesn’t have a very sexy label, but is going to go a long ways towards building a thriving, passionate marriage.

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emotional connection

5-for-5! A Quick and Easy Way to Rock Your Marriage!

A Ritual of Emotional Connection

This is a quick episode again as we are still vacationing in South Dakota!

Dr. John Gottman, a leading researcher in the field of marriage therapy, encourages couples to establish what he calls, “rituals of emotional connection.”

There are hundreds of possibilities, but in this episode we share with you a quick one that we practice nearly every day. We use it in that busy time between getting home from work and eating our evening meal together.

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