The Marriage Podcast for Smart People

Helping couples build a marriage they’ll love today and treasure for a lifetime

Unfortunately, marriage does not come with an instruction manual. High expectations often lead to disappointment and communication breakdowns. 

Did you know communication is the No. 1 challenge married couples face? It’s easy to feel like you’re the only couple struggling with your marriage, and not know where to turn for help. Counseling can be expensive and divorce is very costly. But those aren’t your only option.

The Marriage Podcast for Smart People is designed to help busy couples like yourselves move away from conflict and unhappiness to build a marriage you’ll love today and treasure for a lifetime.

Co-hosts Caleb and Verlynda Simonyi-Gindele understand your pain and frustration. It’s their mission to help save as many marriages as possible. In every episode, they examine secular research and integrate it with a Christian worldview to share actionable steps every couple can take to strengthen their marriage.

Renew your marriage, grow as a couple, and build a thriving future together.

The Marriage Podcast for Smart People
The Marriage Podcast for Smart People
Caleb & Verlynda Simonyi-Gindele

Build a Marriage You’ll Love Today and Treasure for a Lifetime

We have over 2.3 million downloads, over 250 episodes, and have been in production for 5 years.

So helpful + funny!!

I love this podcast. My husband and I both listen to it and it is so helpful in our marriage. We recently got married after a year and a half of long-distance dating! I heard from many people that the first year of marriage is so difficult. But quite honestly, listening to this podcast makes our marriage so much better. I love how it's not bland and you two are always laughing at something (: -Christina


Listening to current and downloading all the previous podcasts!

Practical advice that is helpful and also entertaining. A range of informative material, varying from the "well duh why didn't I think of that" to the "my word that's deep," which then causes me to rewind and listen to the said advice multiple times to ensure that I understand it! Great chemistry, great advice, great podcast!


We love this podcast!

My husband and I have listened to this podcast for a few months now and we absolutely love it! This was crucial for our marriage. We were at a point of separation a couple of months ago and have 3 young children. You were a part of saving our marriage!!! THANK YOU! We aren't even religious but the advice is so well done and the combo of the pair of them, works so well together! Great sound advice and now we have become happy patrons.
Keep doing what you're doing! We love you from Erie, PA!

Lyndon & Chantal

Thank you

Hi there Caleb and Verlynda, thank you for an awesome podcast series. My wife and I listen to you guys daily and love the down to earth approach to common challenges facing modern day couples. You have helped us grow our marriage and helped open the lines of communication between us. God bless and warmest regards from Lyndon and Chantal
New Zealand

Krisztina C

I just can’t get enough!

Yes, that’s a chorus line from an 80s pop song. And it also may sound like the title of an episode addressing some type of addiction, but in the sense that I mean- well... maybe it actually is my own case of addiction... I might just be addicted to your podcast! So, can you do an episode on that issue? ? But seriously, I do feel like there aren’t enough hours in my day to be able to listen to all of the past episodes, while going back to re-listen and take notes on the countless episodes that seem written for me (or my spouse, or both of us).

I recently became a patron, so I now face another sense of overwhelming goodness- in the wealth of bonus material. I’m provided with so many helpful resources, like a filing cabinet overflowing with essential documents and evidence critical to solving a cold-case mystery (that’s the way my struggling marriage can often seem). Just when I’m ready to throw in the towel on persevering and putting in the hours to “crack the code”, another episode with key insights emerges from the filling cabinet.

Your efforts are clearly led and blessed by God. No doubt, He has used you, and continues to use you to help restore weak and, or failing marriages, as well as to positively impact the lives of individuals struggling with doubt and despair. I’m sure there are other wives like me (or perhaps husbands, too) who listen alone, in hopes that God will help us persevere in endlessly laboring for our marriage (which at times, may mean that we’re carrying this very heavy load uphill all alone).

Still, with God’s faithfulness, His loving right hand holding mine, and the tools that you provide through your podcast “lessons” and the bonus materials, I believe my marriage has a fighting chance. If I can get out of the way and let God lead me (submit to Him as He works on my character through this guidance), He can and will restore to me the joy of my marriage and renew it as one that brings Him glory. This is the hope that your podcast (and God’s Word) gives me!

Thank you both! Lifting up prayers of gratitude for your commitment to your mission!


Amazing Marriage Podcast

I appreciate the scientific research along with the real life application! The hosts take serious topics and bring humor & levity to engage the audience. They genuinely sound like they have fun making the podcast together!


Loving feeling

This a great podcast with actionable tips to help you “keep that loving feeling”. And they are a fun couple with light hearted banter.


Sound teaching and advice

Thank you so much for these podcasts! I am a runner and listen to them while running alone. I love them and they have been incredibly helpful for my marriage as well as others because I always try to share certain ones with friends that are going thru those particular 'things.' 🙂 Thanks again! Evan Logan

Grateful for Hope

Solid Marital Advice and Help

My husband and I have had a tumultuous marriage from the start with terrible family dynamics and our own strong personalities butting heads. Over the years we withdrew from each other, essentially roommates, but stayed together for the sake of the children. We created a lot of hurt and trauma over the years but despite all odds and God’s grace, we are celebrating our 15th anniversary this year. Your podcast has shed so much light on our ourselves, our marriage and provided solid advice on life and overcoming issues. We are actively working to fully restore and renew our marriage. Thank you for providing us hope for a better and stronger marriage! We’re on our way there!


Great podcast!!!

Thank you so much for all the insight! I started listening to your podcast and shared it with my husband who is al caught up with your show now. We love your podcast! You speak on so many topics that are very needed for marriages today. Thank you for all the help!!!!

The Marriage Podcast for Smart People will help you:

  • Move away from conflict
  • Discover new ways to connect
  • Create more intimacy in your marriage
  • Improve communication with your spouse
  • Take actionable steps to strengthen your marriage
  • Build a thriving, passionate marriage
  • Grow deeper in love with one another

OnlyYouForever Marriage Podcast Episodes Listing

  • Recent episodes
  • popular episodes
Why Is My Spouse So Controlling?
There’s a level of control that occurs in relatively few marriages that we would see as part of an abusive[...]
Defining Emotionally Abusive Behavior
This is a subject we’ve wanted to address for some time. We see some irony in the work we do[...]
How Do I Know When/If I Can Trust My Spouse After Betrayal?
How do I know if I can trust my spouse again? This question represents one of the most profound dilemmas[...]
The 5 Pillars of Attachment
We talked a lot about the 4 predominant styles of attachment in episodes 251 to 254. Attachment is basically the[...]
What Causes Infidelity?
Today we are going to take a compassionate and sensitive look at the “why” of infidelity. We believe that infidelity[...]

Meet the Hosts: Caleb and Verlynda

Caleb and Verlynda Simonyi-Gindele live in rural Saskatchewan, Canada, (about 10 miles from the U.S. border and the state of North Dakota) with their three daughters and their family dog. They’ve been married since 1999.

Caleb is a registered Clinical Counsellor (#4323) with the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors, a seasoned public speaker, and professional marriage therapist who serves as the Clinical Director of OnlyYouForever’s online counselling agency.

Verlynda co-hosts the podcast with Caleb and  is involved in the behind-the-scenes operations of OnlyYouForever. She is also the Travel Coordinator for The Marriage Cruise for Christian Couples, a seven-night Carribbean cruise that gives couples a chance to escape from the daily grind and focus on renewing their relationship.

Through their weekly podcast, Caleb and Verlynda empower couples around the world by giving them research-based tools and skills to help improve their marriage, through the lens of a Christian worldview.

Like any married couple, Caleb and Verlynda still have moments of frustration, anger, and offense. But on the podcast, you’ll hear them being real, sharing authentic laughs (and even the occasional squabble) with their listeners.

They don’t always agree, but have learned how to respect each other’s differences, find real, lasting joy in their marriage, and hope to help many more marriages come to the same place of intimacy and joy.

Become a patron of the podcast 

Gain access to exclusive bonus content and valuable information to help you succeed in your own marriage. 

Exclusive Bonus Content

When you become a Patron of The Marriage Podcast for Smart People, you’ll gain access to their library of exclusive bonus content, which will help you succeed in your own marriage.

  • Growing Your Marriage by Growing Yourself - View Sample
  • Loving Your Body
  • Getting Into the Swing of Shiftwork
  • Praying Through Conflict
  • A Health Check For Your Marriage - View Sample
  • Healing From Grief Together

The Marriage Podcast for Smart People is funded by listeners who support Caleb and Verlynda in their mission to save marriages. If you would like to be a part of this worthy cause, you can become a Patron of the podcast with a minimum of a $10 a month investment.

As a patron of The Marriage Podcast for Smart Couples, you can help:  

  • Restore hope
  • Build marriages
  • Prevent divorces
  • Keep families intact

Ready to join us?

Gain access to exclusive bonus content and valuable information to help you build a marriage you’ll love today and treasure for a lifetime.