Create a Marriage You'll Love TODAY


Research-based Marriage Guidance That Actually Works

Welcome! OnlyYouForever is the home of The Marriage Podcast for Smart People, co-hosted by Verlynda and myself. This site came about from a desire to help marriages; to make sure you never get to that point of no return, and to help you find or renew that spark of love. We share advice that is practical and understandable while speaking from a Christian worldview. Every episode contains research-backed and Bible-based wisdom that will help YOU create a thriving, passionate marriage!

Caleb Simonyi-Gindele, MAMFT, RCC

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The Marriage Cruise for Smart Couples

Join us for another incredible marriage retreat aboard the Celebrity Equinox.

We set sail February 23, 2019 from Miami, FL. 

We would love to have you aboard!

What Our Listeners Are Saying

So Helpful

I'm going through trauma now from affair discovery - listening to your podcasts helps me understand! What he did is wrong no matter what but I'm glad I can learn more of the why.

Big mom Bklyn

Insightful and Informative

I found the marriage podcast for smart people while looking for insight into my dysfunctional marriage. They deliver so effectively, touching on necessary and tough topics. Topics that are especially hard to find in Christian settings. Thanks guys!


Raw and Authentic teaching

My husband and I just recently started listening to this podcast because our marriage of 30 years hit some rocky roads due to some major family crisis and empty nesting. I can’t say enough how each episode relates and challenges us to do more for us. I’m so very excited to keep going and grow our marriage to greater heights. Thank you.


Thank you

Hi there Caleb and Verlynda, thank you for an awesome podcast series. My wife and I listen to you guys daily and love the down to earth approach to common challenges facing modern day couples. You have helped us grow our marriage and helped open the lines of communication between us. God bless and warmest regards from Lyndon and Chantal
New Zealand

Lyndon & Chantal

Top-Notch Marriage Podcast!

OYF is a thoughtful podcast with a wide variety of topics delivered with grace, maturity, dignity, and charm.

Ramshackle of Fresno

Great tips

Thank you for some great tips for helping us have a healthy marriage. It’s been so helpful!


Very insightful series

I recently started listening to your podcast after realizing that my marriage was not in a great place after only 4 years married. We have been together for six years now and over time I have come to realize that I feel more and more I do not know my spouse at all. Seeking advice on how to improve my relationship I came across your podcast. I have listened to many episodes and in each and every one I get great advice and can relate aspects of the show to my own relationship. I often send my husband the same podcast by sharing it via text message so that he can listen as well. The recent shows on cognitive bias were fabulous and I suffer from mood and confirmation bias. I felt like you were giving examples of me. I listen to your series on my days off and while I am getting dressed in the morning for work. I live apart from my husband due to work and only see him every three months so working on myself while living apart I hope helps when I return home and we live together again in 2020. Thank you again for what you are doing and keep up the great research to help those of us that seek research based advice from experts like yourself. Respectfully, Karie D. Montana, USA

Karie D

If you’re looking for a Christian marriage podcast, this is it!

I just can’t say enough about how much I adore this podcast! Caleb and Verlynda bring such compassionate insight to marriage while providing incredibly valuable research-based information. Love is patient, love is kind; love never gives up and is always hopeful - if you’re looking for advice from a friend who truly understands and embodies this truth and will run all the advice they give you through this filter, OYF is it. This is hands-down the best Christian marriage podcast I have been able to find — Caleb and Verlynda, you truly are a blessing to many more people than you know!

Brooke Lazor

Insightful & Helpful

10/10 -What an absolute awesome podcast. The wisdom & insight shared, that is derived from a foundation of Christian principles can be implemented immediately.

Miss Hijinx

Great Christian Marriage Podcast

Thank you for your ministry. You've hit on a few things that I've struggled with. Glad I ran across you on here! May continue to bless your ministry! 🙂
